Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some things are so funny.

I was just looking at the majority of my previous posts, and they are all about starting my blog over again.  And yet, somehow, all I end up doing is post that I’m starting it up and never do! How dumb is that.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Things are relative

I started today in a really bad mood and here's why:

We got our rent increase notice last night and they want to put up the rent by $20 a week. OUCH! And then this morning while taking my bike out of the garage, it fell off the side stand and pushed the gear level through the stator cover on the side of the engine. So that is another $220 to buy a new one and also the week or so of having to have Michelle cart me to work and back until the part arrives and I can fit it onto the bike. So I've been feeling that the world is against me, and then I read about this:


Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter was run over in their driveway by accident and was killed.

Now... how big are my problems actually? Not very.

I have to apologise to God for putting things out of focus so often in my daily walk with Him.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I think I'm going to revive this blog for my personal stuff. I have a more technical blog over at http://dotnet.org.za/derek/ but I don't want to spam that up with posts that aren't related to .NET or programming.

So, let me know who is still reading... If anyone at all! :)

Guess no-one is reading.. :(

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I've moved: http://dotnet.org.za/derek/


Friday, June 25, 2004

Hick! My record so far is 125metres. I dare you to try an beat it.

I seem to be an excellent drunk!

Monday, June 7, 2004

Well, have have loads of news...

Firstly, the move to the new house went really well. We have already settled in and have unpacked most of the things. Only a few odd boxes remain. (We've unpacked all the even ones so far. Har har. Lame joke, but so what.)
And Telkom have connected up the phone, so we have internet and email from home again! Phew! A week without being connected at home... I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse.

And second, we had our first scan for the new baby last week. It's now 23mm in length. And on the video you can clearly see the arms, legs, head, spine and heartbeat. Which was totally awesome!

Anyways, more later when I'm in more of a mood to type.

Oh, and if anyone is still reading this, then please make a comment, or send an email to derekadk at webmail dot co dot za. Thanks! I want to know if I should bother updating this regularly or not.


Thursday, March 11, 2004

Um.. I'm back. I was thinking that I should go back to check on my Blog.. To see if it even exists, and then I started reading some of the previous posts, and it was great to remember back to when I wrote those things. So I think it's something I need to carry on with.

So anyways... I'm BACK! ;o)

I'll have to test and see if my commenting at Haloscan still works too!!