Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Well, I'm BACK! ;o)

The wedding was 110% perfect. Nothing went wrong which was awesome! I'll be posting up some pics when I get them developed and scanned in. Our wedding venue, Avianto, was fantastic and everyone who was there reckoned it was the best wedding they have ever been to. It looked like it cost a million bucks, but was actually not too expensive.

The honeymoon was great too. Michelle and I headed down to Bloemfontein straight after the ceremony on the Sunday afternoon. We stayed at a place called Hillhouse for the first night and then Monday morning we headed down to Knysna. We stayed at Ridgeview Guesthouse in Knysna and spent the next 5 days being tourists and going on all the ferries and seeing everything there was to see. We even found time to go for a massage and salt scrub session at a health spa in Plettenberg Bay. WOW! That was awesome! Worth every cent. ;o)

From there we went to Jeffrey's Bay and stayed at Astonwoods. It was not too bad, but the place was really noisy as the floors were wood and the other guests would stomp around at all hours of the night making noises... Not that we were sleeping or anything.. Heh heh We spent tons of cash at the Billabong, Quiksilver and Roxy factory shops and bought loads of stuff for next to nothing.

From there we decided to head to the South Coast of Durban and stayed at The Blue Marlin Hotel in Scottborough. It was a two day trip to get there and we stopped overnight in East London... Stayed on a farm type place as all the other B&B accomodation was fully booked due to the Cricket World Cup. It was not that good, but it was a place to sleep.

The rest of the honeymoon we spent on the beach and getting burnt! We did take a day to go see the Gateway... A HUGE shopping mall up near Umhlanga. Saw a movie there and just walked around as the day was overcast and drizzly.

Then we headed home a day early to sort out the house. It looks like a store room what with all the boxes and stuff from my place now there too. This past weekend was spent sorting through things and getting some sort of order to the place. We also spent our wedding gift money on a new TV and video machine. Also finally getting a TV license too... No good being pirate TV viewers now hey? ;o)

Tomorrow I'm on course so I won't be at work! YAY! More later!

Friday, February 7, 2003

Well, this will probably be the last entry for a while as I'm getting married in 2 days and won't be updating my Blog while on honeymoon! ;o)

Last night we had a "trial run" at the wedding venue just to see where everyone will stand and who comes down the "aisle" when and in what order.. So it was interesting. Our little flowergirl is in her element and is so excited about being part of the wedding. It's going to be great on Sunday morning! I just hope and pray that it's not too hot. Luckily we've made sure that the message and ceremony is quite short. I mean there's food to be had soon after! And THAT can't be left to wait! ;o)

I will post the websites to the honeymoon destinations up once we get back. I don't want Michelle to stumble across the places by looking here.

God Bless! Chat to you all again in 2 weeks when we get back! I'll upload a few pics too, so all that weren't there can feel suitably jealous. ;o)

Tuesday, February 4, 2003

Ps.. I loaded Windows XP on my computer over the weekend and forgot to backup all my fonts before I did it... So if you have any cool fonts, PLEASE email them to me on my hotmail account. Thanks!
My brother landed on Sunday afternoon from Australia. He's come back to S.Africa for my wedding on Sunday. We had a good time Sunday evening chatting and catching up. He's only here until next Thursday, so most of his time is rushed catching up with friends and stuff. But I should get to see him a few times before the wedding. He flies back while I'm on honeymoon. I can't wait for sunday. It's going to be great!!! 5 more days to go, and then I'm married.... I can't believe it!! WOW!