Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Well, I had another great weekend. I also upgraded my cell phone at the same time too. I've now got a Sony Ericsson T300 with the digital camera that attaches to the bottom of the camera. It's quite nifty. You can take a picture of your friends, and then store it in your address book. Then when you want to phone someone, you can look through the pictures for your friends ugly mugshot. Heh heh. Quite cool!

On Saturday, my friend Jono and myself, rode out to Phakisa Raceway to watch the practise sessions for the 125, 250 and MotoGP bikes. It was an awesome experience to hear those new V5 engines in the MotoGP class. WOW! And well worth the getting up at 4am to get there in time! ;o) Got a little sunburnt though, but it was still worth it!

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

The CMA National Rally at Roodeplaat Dam this past weekend was awesome! We rushed to get there after work on the Thursday evening and made it just in time for dinner. Afterwards, we had a quick leader's prayer meeting and spent the rest of the evening chatting.

The rally officially started on the Friday, so that morning the bikes and cars started to arrive. I think we had about 2000 people there this weekend!

It was also the launch of the Biker's Church CD. And Michelle has a song on the CD that she co-wrote and sings as well. It's incredible and I'm SO proud! It's the first CD of our church band, and is all original stuff. All written by the members of the band. The CD is already going to be played on Impact Radio here in South Africa, and a few copies are on their way overseas to the USA to be distributed there. God is awesome!

The rest of the weekend was spent socialising and making friends. There were also bike games and other fun activities to get involved in, and there was never a dull moment. But like all weekends, it was of course, too short!

We arrived back home yesterday at about 11am, and then I had to unpack, wash the car, and get things sorted for this week. Tons of laundry to do as well! I guess a long weekend, while still being relaxing, does generate loads of work when you finally get home afterwards.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Well, my weekend was quite interesting.

Firstly, the test ride on the Fazer (See below) was awesome! It's a fantastic machine!! Both comfortable and fast! The only thing is that after trading my bike in, I'm R20000 short! *sigh* I might be able to sell my bike privately for R9000 more than they are offering me as the trade in. So I'm hoping that I can get that right! I REALLY want a Fazer and then Michelle can comfortably come riding with me without having her back hurt.

Saturday afternoon we spent with my folks at the local. I had a Steak and Guiness pie. Mmmm.. Excellent! It reminded me of the pubs in the UK.

Sunday we washed cars, and then Michelle's folks came round. We spent the afternoon with them before heading off to church.

All in all, a very nice weekend. Just too short, but that's par for the course when it comes to weekend. ;o)

Friday, April 11, 2003

Michelle is also getting her hair cut today. Really short. SImilar to Meg Ryan's style... So I'm excited to see what that looks like. I'll only know tonight when I get home! ;o)
I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I've organised a test ride at Linex Yamaha on a second hand black Yamaha Fazer. It's almost like the bike that I have now, except more of a sport touring type instead of a race replica. It should be WAY more comfortable for Michelle on the back. And seen as it's the same engine as my R1, it should have enough performance to keep me happy as well!

Monday, April 7, 2003

Well, I am on course today, and the lecturer is a native african. It's quite difficult to understand what he's trying to say occasionally as when he tries to "data mine the contents of a field", he actually means "determine the contents of a field". Anyone who is a South African will know more about this!!! ;o)

Friday, April 4, 2003

Michelle is working at The Wedding Expo at Sandton City today and this weekend. She is helping out Margaret Tilling who employed Michelle as a wedding consultant to work with her. Margaret will do the photograhy side of things, and Michelle will take care of the rest. Awesome if you ask me!!! And it's exactly what Michelle studied for a few years ago! God is amazing!
Well, I'm very chuffed with the new car. It's awesome to drive and SO quiet! And the leather smell from the seats is fantastic! I hope that smell stays in the car for a long long time! The only thing that hacks me off is that the car was delivered with a tow bar, but they didn't put those rubberised/plastic protective covers on it. And as far as I am concerned, that should be standard when you have a tow bar fitted. No train smash as they brought me some today and I put them on. BUT... and it's a big annoyance for me... the person who drove my car to me must have smoked in the car. I checked the cigarette lighter and it had been used. 22 kilometres on the clock and someone already smoked in MY car!!!! I phoned Barloworld and chewed them out from a dizzy height. It's common courtesy not to smoke in a BRAND NEW car that you are delivering to someone who may or may not smoke. You can't smell smoke in the car, but it's the principle of the matter. Humph!

Thursday, April 3, 2003

My car arrived today. It's the same as in the picture, except mine is a deep metallic blue. I'm WAYYY chuffed! ;o)

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

The trip to Sabie was incredible. We took our time getting there and has a nice leisurely ride through Barbeton, Nelspruit, White River and then onto Hazyview and then finally Sabie. The road between Hazyview and Sabie is reknowned to be a great biking road!!! Corner after corner of twisty mountain passes... Awesome stuff. I took it fairly easy, but Michelle on the back still got scared. I really have to remember that she's not so used to biking as I am.

We spent the weekend exploring the area and eating pancakes! What more can I guy ask for! We stayed at Jock's in the centre of town and it was really nice.

We did go find a waterfall nearby and ended up riding on a dirt road for a while... with my superbike!! Ouch! So I was not too impressed. My bike is definitely designed STRICTLY for tar. Heh heh
The trip to Sabie was great.. more about that later...

I watched Black Hawk Down on the weekend, and it was a great movie! A little gory, but I guess that made it all the more true to real life. I found this interesting article on the net too. At first I thought it was an April Fool's day joke, but I guess it wasn't!