Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Today was a good day. Started off with my brother's "Australian family" inviting us to the beach, so at 9:30 we headed off to the beach for a walk and a swim. It was already quite hot and I got slightly burnt, but I think it's a tannable burn, not a peeling burn! :o) Afterwards we headed to their house for lunch and later a drive up into the nearby mountains. I could not believe how dry and dead all the vegetation was. The Hinze Dam is 30 something percent full and looks bad with the bare edges everywhere. Last year when I was here the trees were on the edge of the water, and now there is a huge gap of quite a few metres between the tree line and the water. Sad. Anyways, we drove quite far into the mountains and stopped for coffee at a camping/hiking lodge type thing. Very good milkshakes!!! :o) From there back through the winding roads to my brother's house. I wish I had my motorbike here... The roads are fantastic here with only a few sections being repaired and bumpy. Now I'm quite tired and after finishing here, I'm going to catch a quick nap before Grant get's home, which should actually be any time soon. It's already 6pm. Zzzzzzzzz.....

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