Monday, November 4, 2002

Well, what a hectic weekend... And it was supposed to be a relaxing one. Friday night I took Michelle out for dinner at a Thai place, and it was quite nice. The food was awesome as usual, but they had two guys playing live there, and it was too loud! I think we shouted at each other through dinner! Not too good.
Saturday we spent house hunting and found nothing. Well, actually we found lots of places, but all WAY out of our budget price range. I mean, over half a million rand for a town house? You have to be kidding!!! So anyways, our search continues this coming weekend... *sigh*
Then we did some shopping and I bought two DVD's... "Ice Age" and "Sliding Doors". Both good movies...
Sunday was another day that was supposed to be relaxing, but I ended up doing house chores... Washing and dishes and such nonsense. Michelle made a proper full lunch and it went down really well! Then it was church in the evenings... Good fun! And now I'm sitting at work, the boss is away on a religious holiday. (Today is a Hindu holiday here in S.Africa).. So we're all just goofing around at work. you know the drill... Cats away, the mice play.. etc.etc.etc.

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